Tuesday, February 20, 2007

American Forum - Reporting on Latin American: Hit or Miss?

Date: Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2007
Time: 7-8 p.m.
Location: American University, Ward 1

Latin America is undereported by the U.S. mainstream media, despite many of the world's most compelling stories taking place south of the border The crises of poverty and civil war continue to spread in many countries across the region , while anti-American sentiment is stronger than ever from Columbia to Argentina.

Journalists are among the many disadvantaged groups facing repression, censorship and intimidation in Latin American nations, by politicians who use them as tools for propaganda rather than dialogue.

Tonight's forum will address the following issues:
  1. Why is Latin American so poorly covered by North American news organizations?
  2. How can we better access the quality reporting that emerges from this region?
  3. Does the media intentionally shy away from covering some of the world's most newsworthy issues taking place in Latin American?

Check back at 7 p.m. for live coverage of tonight's American Forum.

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